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title Cavalier
subtitle July, 1966, vol. 16, no. 157
author Shea, Robert J. (red.); Lingeman, Richard S.; Bradbury, Ray; Levy, Alan; Siegel, Jules; Leary, Timothy; Solanas, Valerie; Ely, David; Robbie, Don; Gregory, Dick; Kempton, Murray; Harrington, Michael; Gabree, John; Walsh, Patrick; Feather, Leonard; Abel, Bob; Heckman, Don; Collier, James L.
year of publication 1966
publisher Fawcett
place of publication Greenwich
descpription 96 s. ill.
language engelska
notes Solanas artikel "For 2 ¢: pain" den första publiceringen av "A young girl's primer on how to attain to the leisure class".
original title
series Cavalier
subjects tidskrift, feminism, antikapitalism