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title Sexual reform congress
subtitle London 8.-14. IX 1929 : W.L.S.R. : World league for sexual reform = Weltliga für Sexualreform = Ligue pour la réforme sexuelle = Tutmonda ligo por seksaj reformoj : Proceedings of the third congress = Beright [sic!] des dritten Kongresses = Compte rendu du troisième congrès = Dokumentaro de la tria kongreso
author Haire, Norman (red.); Hirschfeld, Magnus; Russell, Dora; Flügel, J. C.; Joad, C. E. M.; Geikie-Cobb, W. F.; Hollander, Bernard; Pitt-Rivers, G.; Stone, Abraham; Chance, Janet; Brittain, Janet; Pasche-Oserski, Nikolaj; Calverton, V. F.; Jacobsen, Jo.; Halle, Felix; Werthauer, Johannes; Pillay, A. P.; Kerr, R. B.; Stöcker, Helene; Stopes, Marie C.; Gräfenberg, Ernst; Lehfeldt, Hans; Leunbach, J.; Gens, A.; Stone, Hannah M.; Drysdale, C. V.; Ottesen-Jensen, Elise; Browne, Stella; Mitchison, Naomi; Eder, M. D.; Dunlop, B.; Meng, Heinrich; Bendix, Kurt; Leonhardt, W.; Riese, Hertha; Pelletier, Madeleine; Pennifold, Richard; Ruben-Wolf, Marthe; Hotelling, Floy; Wansey Bayly, H.; Batkis, Gr.; Randall, R. G.; Rosenthal, Felix; Coutts, Waldemar E.; Robinson, William J.; Ehrenfells, Rolf; Hill, T. W.; Rubenstein, H. F.; Housman, Laurence; van Druten, John; Montagu, Ivor; Ives, George Cecil; Hopkins, Prynce; Paul, Eden; St. Louis Dent, Alma; Low, Barbara; Mannin, Ethel; Bohm, Ewald; Faithfull, Theodore J.; Russell, Bertrand; Jerdan, E. S.; Schmalhausen, Samuel D.; Shaw, Bernard; MacCarthy, Desmond; Malleson, Miles; Margueritte, Victor; Streeten, F. P.; Sourasky, M.; Hirsch, Franz E.; Schöner, Otto; Springer, Brunold; Riese, Walther; Sullivan, H. S.; Ranulf, Svend; Elberskirchen, Johanna; Abraham, Felix; Goldscheid, Rudolf; Krische, Paul; Krische, Maria; Benjamin, Harry; Schmidt, Peter
year of publication 1930
publisher Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
place of publication London
descpription xl, 670 s. 8 pl.-bl.
language engelska, tyska
original title
series Proceedings of W.L.S.R.
subjects sexologi, kongresser, sexualreform