Queerrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek

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title Why are faggots so afraid of faggots?
subtitle Flaming challenges to masculinity, objectification, and the desire to conform
author Bernstein Sycamore, Mattilda (red.); Scott, D. Travers; CAConrad; DasGupta, Debanuj; Bartlett, Chris; Abbas, Ali; Glave, Thomas; Faris, Michael J.; Sugie, ML; Patston, Phillip; Clarkson, Nick; Polk, Khary; Mecca, Tommi Avicolli; de Vries, Gina; Whitman, Ezra RedEagle; Jones, Shepperton; Ibáñez-Carrasco, Francisco; Kornstein, Harris; Blanchard, Matthew D.; Ayala, George; Hebert, Patrick Pato; Wallace, Lewis; Lydon, Jason; Edouardo, Booh; Stanley, Eric A.; Cortez, Jaime; Fagan, Willow Aerin; Burrows, Mishael; Goldsmith, Larry; Stillpoint, Horehound [pseud. för Taylor, Greg]; Villanueva, James; Stoeckeler, Kristen
year of publication 2012
publisher AK Press
place of publication Edinburgh
ISBN 978-1-84935-008-4
descpription 213 s.
language engelska
original title
subjects homosexualitet, maskulinitet, normativitet, objektifiering, queer